About My Diary

This blog is a story blog and is meant to be read from the first post, if you read it out of order it might not always make sense. This story is in no way connected with my other one except by the fact that they are both written by me.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

More missing stuff

The ants are getting more brazen, the alchemists reported a few small vials of chemicals gone missing as well as a few books on the subjects of war and mechanics. Ants can't tell what a books about though...right? Also the blacksmith is missing an ingot of iron and some gold scraps are gone from the goldsmith. The crumbs are continuing to disappear as normal but I have one question, why are these ants taking such strange articles? Luckily nothing important yet besides my cookies. I think thats because Jarvis is keeping all my documents in a locked box though. The reasons he gave is he didn't want rodents eating them or creepy crawlies (human or insect) walking off with them. I told him he didn't have to worry about bugs taking castle documents but he reminded me again of the books taken from the alchemists library.
The castle is in a hubbub today though because the worn troops just marched in today! They were besieged but suffered very little losses. I was extremely glad that casualties were low because it WAS a war. War equals bloodshed on both sides. That's why I like and don't like war. Hoorah's for the troops troops marching in! And mourning for the ones who aren't.