About My Diary

This blog is a story blog and is meant to be read from the first post, if you read it out of order it might not always make sense. This story is in no way connected with my other one except by the fact that they are both written by me.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Waking up... again

As I woke up yet again I straightened my back and then froze. In front of me was a castle! An actual castle! I wondered how this medival village and CASTLE had just appeared... I couldn't decide what was a dream and what wasn't so I kept my mouth closed. As we got nearer and nearer to the castle though I could tell it was actually real and also realized we were going in. I had never been in a castle before and certainly never met anyone that worked in a castle so I was shocked when the guard spoke my name like I was a close friend. After saying my name though he quickly stammered out an apology and bowed before me. This of course did NOT help my poor brain. We rode through the courtyard and then the garden and I admired the types of flowers i had never seen before. We finally got to the stable and I actually dismounted on the first try.
we then entered into the castle through a backdoor and my confusion continued
As we walked through the castle I noticed that everyone seemed glad to see the group I was in and not one person gave me a stare or second glance as any person would do to a stranger in their home. This made me start thinking that maybe I actually was a king... No one could pull a prank this elaborate, right?
I was walked Down a hallway with what I think are called tapestries on each side and pictures of a person I supposed was the king they said I was replacing... Yay.
I wonder if it was actually sickness that caused his death... actually I changed my mind I don't want to know.
we got to a large door and then all but my caretaker dispersed to different parts of the castle. He opened the doors and I was greeted by a large four poster bed and a full wall picture of either me or my twin... Which I don't have.
Sorry, no I don't have an evil twin.
He then tried to undress me but I firmly refused, I might have been tired but not disabled.
I sunk into the covers and once again, drifted... Off... To sleep.