About My Diary

This blog is a story blog and is meant to be read from the first post, if you read it out of order it might not always make sense. This story is in no way connected with my other one except by the fact that they are both written by me.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Story Begins

I was quite bored, yes I know you were thinking... Wait, wasn't he supposed to say,"a long time ago"? No I wasn't, I can start how I want.
Anyway, I was quite bored and was literally lying around. I had nothing better to do and so I decided a walk wouldn't hurt. I love listening to the birds.
I'm not sure what happened inbetween the woods and here because it was a long time ago and... yes I know, I could have started my story,"a long time ago" then couldn't I? No, remember. My story, I can start it how I want. Now stop interrupting, I'm trying to explain how I got here before I get into my every day life.
All I remember is admiring the trees and such and listening to the lovely birds when... My memory stops, I must have fallen asleep or gotten knocked unconscious because next thing I knew, I was here! Now where here is ,is what I'm going to tell you next time.