Im about to go to sleep. I havent found out much about the tanks except that that's where the blacksmiths iron went. The advisors suggested flooding the city in just a few inches of water to force the ants out into the open but then I pointed out that most of them were hiding and they were scared. What would they do if all the ants were roaming at the same time? Besides that if they invented a mechanical beetle couldn't they make a simple boat? Sometimes I think that my advisors say things just to see what I'll say because they don't know what to do.
I don't really know what else I found out today... Oh, wait. I found out that near my house there is six tribes of ants. The cellar, attic, dining hall, kitchen, maple tree and cattail tribes. I bet you will never guess where they live.
I still haven't found out what their government is based on but then again I haven't been able to get close enough to any of their cities to see. (I tried digging up the spot the cellar ants were at but the tanks started firing from the wine rack where they were stored. I hope the general doesn't come over for a visit because he always wants wine and I don't think the ants would agree to my chefs tampering with their garage.
Just a thought but if they are smart enough to build tanks what other devices can they come up with. I hope they don't come up with boots so they can get past the concoction protecting the alchemists stuff. Last time they got into the wizards station they invented tanks.
I'll have to make sure they can't tomorrow because I'm beat and have to go to bed.
Hum? No I'm not going to make sure now. They can't read minds and so the alchemists potions and stuff will be fine untill tomorrow and that's that.