Hmm, even more sightings of those beetles. I think I know what they remind me of from the future, tanks. If the ants invented tanks they will have artillery next... I don't think that this is biological warfare anymore. I have even seen groups of ants doing raids on my cellar and I have reason to believe they have formed cities or even countries. Right under my floors to boot. I wonder what kind of government they have...
They had better have some serious plans though because I could get to their Capitol by lifting up a floorboard. Let me tell you something, if my castle was that easily acessable the little country I'm ruling wouldn't have lasted even this long. I wonder if the ants tribes are at war or peace right now.
The tanks running around could just be protection for ant squads against people (the villagers are terrified of the booming beetles as they call them) or they could be protection from other tribes of ants. This is getting very complicated because an ant war could stop all intercity trading. The horses are just as scared as the people of the tanks and the cats are more scared of them than that. The ants run free through the streets because they always avoid the barracks and patrolmen. Those and the dogs are the only ones brave enough (or stupid enough) to get near the ant squads. Several patrolling soldiers have gone running back to the barracks tearing off as much of his armour as he could to get to the biting ants. I'm not sure what to do if this is a peacetime between the ants...