I woke up to a horrible tasting drink being poured down my throat and a cheery "Good morning Sire." The drink was indeed nasty but woke me up quickly.
What was that? NO! It wasn't alchohol! and no I can't prove it. now please, is it possible for you to just listen? No, stop it, You don't listen with your mouth, now do you want to hear it or not?
Now apparently it was the next morning, from the position of the sun... What little I could see through the trees. My poor mom, she's going to be worried sick. After breakfast and a few failed attempts they managed to help me up onto a horse behind my caretaker (who I had found out was my friend and advisor supposedly). To my delight we started off in the direction of my house. Wich I thought was great news, Mom would surely see me out the window since we have a lovely wood veiw and would set all this straight. But after traveling for a little while though I noticed that the woods showed no signs of thinning out and I couldn't see the bright red brick of my house.
I didn't know what to think now but was starting to consider that the red brick house I knew was the dream and not the place I was in.
I fell asleep yet again at about eleven, we had left the woods and were now on a small dirt road. I was dead tired and didn't care though hence the reason I fell asleep.