I was quite bored, yes I know you were thinking... Wait, wasn't he supposed to say,"a long time ago"? No I wasn't, I can start how I want.
Anyway, I was quite bored and was literally lying around. I had nothing better to do and so I decided a walk wouldn't hurt. I love listening to the birds.
I'm not sure what happened inbetween the woods and here because it was a long time ago and... yes I know, I could have started my story,"a long time ago" then couldn't I? No, remember. My story, I can start it how I want. Now stop interrupting, I'm trying to explain how I got here before I get into my every day life.
All I remember is admiring the trees and such and listening to the lovely birds when... My memory stops, I must have fallen asleep or gotten knocked unconscious because next thing I knew, I was here! Now where here is ,is what I'm going to tell you next time.